Thursday, March 3, 2011

23 Weeks!

So, I'm sorry that it has been so long since writing, especially since we were finding out gender. But...


We have a beautiful little princess. SO excited. :) And, as you can see, we changed the name of the blog. We are naming her Evelyn Ipolani Adams! We will call her Evey for short while she's younger and then she can decide what she would like to go by later. We are so excited for our little girl.

How I am: Gaining weight! My belly is ever growing because my little girl is ever growing! I'm feeling really good. I have been blessed with a really great pregnancy. However, because I am working 12 hour shifts, I have begun wearing compression socks so my feet don't swell because they get really sore. I am just now starting to wear pregnancy clothes! I still fit in some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but am enjoying the bigger style of the pregnancy ones. :)

How Evey is: she is a pound! And a foot long! And moving like CRAZY. In about the last week I have been able to feel her all the time and Joel has even been able to feel her! Usually, he will kiss my stomach and talk to Evey and she will kick and push back on his face. I am really glad that Joel is able to feel her now. Her ears are almost fully developed so she can hear my voice now!

We love our little girl so much! It makes it so much more real now that we know the gender and have a name picked out. When we were taking the ultrasound, she was sucking her thumb and even yawned! I am so technologically illiterate, so I don't know how to scan some of the pictures of her, but I will be sure to post them when Joel scans them :)

Our princess Evey! 

She's all snuggled in. The 3D images are a little freaky because Evey hasn't developed brown fat yet, so she is all skin and bones, but she is still so pretty! We love our little girl! 

Animation picture of a 23 weeks old baby! Look how developed she is! Pretty incredible, isn't it? 

Growing, growing, growing...