Friday, November 26, 2010

9 Weeks!

Sorry to miss last week.... one huge symptom: exhaustion! Joel and I are so excited as we are getting closer and closer to being out of the "danger zone". i.e. 1st trimester. Baby is still very vulnerable but we are getting closer and closer! Out of the first trimester by Christmas. Yay!

How I am feeling: I haven't gained any weight yet. However, I may be starving, but I feel full all the time. Very. Bloated. I've been trying to eat smaller, more frequent meals because one, big sit down meal ends up making me kind of queasy. Still no real sickness... just certain things make me queasy. But SO blessed and thankful that I am not experiencing morning sickness! I must say, my least favorite thing in the world is barfing. God knows that and He has blessed me!

How Peanut is: all 4 chambers of the heart have developed this week. His tail is gone! His head is HUGE. Teeth are forming. External sex organs are officially set on boy or girl.... they just are undistinguishable to the outside world. So... it's a boy! Or girl! We will find out beginning of January for sure. So exciting! Vital organs are formed and they are going to be ever maturing and developing. Peanut is the size of a grape! He is almost as big as his namesake!

We love our little alien-looking baby! We are getting more and more excited and praising God for our miracle.

1 comment:

  1. so excited to hear more...I love reading these and seeing the pictures you put up. How was thanksgiving, you probably couldnt eat much since you feel full all the time. Cant wait to see pictures of you belly getting bigger. Praise God for almost being out of the danger zone
