Saturday, December 18, 2010

12 weeks!

This is it! The last week of my first trimester! Wow, I can't believe that. I am 1/3 done with pregnancy and that much closer to meeting our baby. Crazy.

How Peanut is this week: he's developing reflexes! We saw this last week on the ultrasound... if you poke at him, he flips in response. :) He is starting to open and close his fists and starting to do the sucking motion with his mouth. How cute! He is the size of a full lime and in between size of a lemon ;)

How I am: finally not feeling so tired. However, that could be because I have been catching up on sleep lately because I was really sick last week. Only nauseated if I don't eat for too long. And still "poochy". Not showing yet, but it's only a matter of time!

We are leaving tonight on the red eye flight home for Spokane! YAY! And my best friend Wylie is throwing us a baby shower so we can celebrate with our Spokane friends tomorrow. So excited!

1 comment:

  1. Okay you're totally showing. It's not just poochy you have the cutest little baby bump :)
