Friday, February 4, 2011

19 Weeks

Well, I feel like I'm growing by the day! And people are mentioning that to me as well :) Bring on the baby weight! I want a healthy baby.... I just hope I don't go all crazy and gain tons of weight. But whatever our baby needs!

How I am doing: I am great! I am finally looking pregnant. Not just, "Hm, Kanani looks chubby, like she's gained some weight." It is definitely pregnant looking now! Comments I've gotten at work....
"Someone's getting FAT!" :)
"Wow,  you look pregnant! You're waist is getting thicker."
"Now you look pregnant, not just like you have been drinking too much beer."

Leave it to nurses to just say it how it is. :) Now, in any other circumstances, such as me NOT being pregnant and actually just gaining weight, I wouldn't have appreciated these comments. BUT, seeing as I AM pregnant, it is so fun to hear! I enjoy showing.... my baby is growing! AND.... I cannot get enough ice cream. Wow, I LOVE ice cream right now! My husband is just amazing too. He has made a few late night ice cream runs. Which, is sweet, but the fact that it has been hovering around -20 average per week, that is a mighty deed! I love that man.

How Peanut is: Now weighing 8.5 ounces (1/2 a pound! Big baby! :) and about 6 inches long, baby is constantly growing in leaps and bounds. Peanut gained 1.5 ounces this week... that is a big leap for a little baby! This week's development focuses on the 5 senses. Peanut is starting to hear my voice and will begin to recognize it since baby will hear it a lot in the next few months :)

2 weeks and counting til we find out the gender! Can't wait!

1 comment:

  1. Husband is good too. I can't wait to be a Dad. That's about the only part I play at this point other than preparations and pillow fluffing so she can settle in and get "comfortable" :-) But I appreciate you call my acts mighty deeds baby!
