Friday, April 8, 2011

28 Weeks!

Wow, it has been a while since I updated this...

Everything is great! We were able to get in contact with a new midwife (as mine left her practice) and she is so nice and accommodating. I am now seeing her every 2 weeks because I am in my 3rd trimester! Yes!

Evey is getting so big. She is now 2.5 pounds and about 14 inches long. She is trucking along and growing at great speed! She is the size of a Chinese cabbage. Hehe. She is moving SO much now. I can tell her sleeping times and awake times because she will kick so hard when she is awake. It is getting to the point that it is starting to get uncomfortable every once in a while when she kicks especially hard. And 2 days ago she got the hiccups! It was the first time I have every felt it but there was no denying that's what it was. Hilarious!

I am doing just fine! Getting excited to meet our little girl. It feels so far away, but so close. I can't even believe it. I am a little puffy in the fingers and my feet by the end of the day, but nothing that is too annoying.

We love our little girl! Everytime Joel leans over and talks to my stomach or kisses it and she's awake, she starts flailing all around and kicking. She loves her dad :) We are getting so close and so excited!

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