Friday, April 22, 2011

30 weeks!

Wow - I cannot even believe it! I should be holding my baby girl in 10 weeks! And technically, Evey is term in 8 weeks. 2 MONTHS! Augh! I am so excited, yet really nervous. I am going to be a mom... what? Am I really able to be responsible for a little human? God will step in and help me because I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Evey is 3 lbs now and about 16 inches. She's getting so big! She is the size of a squash. One of those really big gourd things. Wow! I am feeling her move all the time and you can watch my stomach and see her movements. It is incredible. A little weird looking sometimes (like an alien Joel says) but so good. My midwife said that a happy baby is one that moves a lot. My guess is that Evey is ECSTATIC. She moves so much! Now I am supposed to count 2 times a day and she should move at least 10 times in an hour. Yah. Evey moves 10 times in about 7 minutes or less! And way more than twice a day. :) I have a very happy baby! :) Her brain is developing really quickly and her tiny body is starting to form some fat to keep her warm!

I am very fortunate as I am still sleeping great. Like a rock actually. It is getting more difficult to get out of bed (literally.... not because I'm tired. I have to literally roll out of bed) and am getting stuck in the couch more often. Joel always giggles, but he is a great husband and gives me a little (BIG) nudge.

I'm blessed! Joel and I are so excited. Lately, Evey has been responding to her daddy's voice. It is really awesome that Joel is so involved and loving. He will talk to her and she will start kicking and moving around. I can already tell she's a daddy's girl :) She seems to love classic rock too! We were listening to Cadence Clearwater Revival and when "Heard it Through the Grapevine" came on she was flipping and moving and didn't stop til the song was over! Then we were listening to KISS and again, she was jumping all over the place. Her dad is proud of her musical taste :)

Hurry up little girl! Grow, grow, grow so that we can meet you! Your mom and dad love you!

I know a little creepy, but this is from a scientific library where they took a picture of a real baby in the womb at 30 weeks! That is how Evey is positioned.... running out of room! Her head is getting bigger to make room for her brain, and she is starting to get some fat on her bones! 

Growing, growing, growing.... 

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, I'm so stinking excited to meet your daughter! My little...niece? No, that's not right, cousin? Pssh...whatever! I'm excited!!
