Wednesday, June 8, 2011

37 weeks!

OH my gosh, I have been terrible about updating this. So much to do, so little time!

I am 37 weeks this Friday... ??? I cannot believe how fast it has gone. But these last few weeks are such a waiting game that it feels like it's dragging out forever!

So, what has happened since I last posted at 30 weeks....

- I had a baby shower May 14 and God has blessed us so much! There is nothing that we seriously need to buy. We have all the essentials, TONS of clothes (we've had friends give us clothes clear up to 3 year old sizes.... no joke, we won't have to buy clothes for a LONG time), diapers, wipes, everything! We are so blessed. I will have to put up pictures of the baby shower soon.

-We got maternity pictures done around 33 weeks and we will be getting the digital copies soon so I will post those as well!

-I am down to working about 2-3 days a week. It is so nice because I was getting very tired being on my feet all the time. You start noticing how much weight you've gained when your feet takes the brunt of it all day. :)

-I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (fake ones. I've heard it put this way - "You wouldn't run a marathon without working out your legs. So you won't birth a baby without your uterus working out and practicing." Hm :) as of 2 weeks ago, I am 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. In order to give birth, your cervix has to efface, or thin, 100%. So I'm getting closer! The doc said that the baby is in perfect position and very low.

-Joel has been amazing at keeping me on task. He is very organized and has to-do lists for everything. I don't know what I would do without him. My brain is MIA. We have everything washed, set up and ready that we need to for Evey to come home. Just waiting impatiently...

-Evey is running out of room!! I can feel every movement, stretch and hiccup. Its fun, but kind of tiring at the same time. Our little girl is getting big and ready to meet the world. She is mostly completely developed except now she is just putting on pounds and her lungs are still developing. She is around 5.5-6 lbs now and about 18 inches long. Whew! I feel every inch. AUGH! So excited.

So, it is just a waiting game. 37 weeks is considered "term" so she could come at any time; however, most first time moms either go all the way to their due date or late even. No thanks - on time would be just fine for me :)

We are rapidly approaching moving day also! Luckily for us, the army is moving us (i.e. coming to our house and packing everything for us. Praise God!)

So much to look forward to! I am so excited to see all my family, but all I can think of right now is Evey. I cannot wait to meet her, see what she looks like, what her temperament is like and fall in love with her in person. Will keep updated as best as my pregnant mind will remember :)

37 weeks! Getting closer....

Look at her... she looks like a real baby! :) Come on Evey! We're ready!

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