Sunday, July 3, 2011

40 weeks, 2 days

Whew. Still waiting. In church today, we sang "In Christ Alone" and the lyrics hit me...

"From life's first cry to final breath, Jesus commands my destiny." Evey, Joel and I are in His mighty hands and it will be perfect timing....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hello Due Date!

Hello all,

So yesterday was my due date and I'm sad to say little Princess hasn't made her debut. Joel and I are getting anxious, but working really hard to stay calm and trust God with the situation. I think the hardest part for me is NOT KNOWING. It could happen now, tonight, tomorrow, or, heaven forbid, next week. And to add to the craziness, I have had false labor about 5 times. For those who don't know, false labor is seemingly regular contractions that go away. They can go away with rest, activity, eating or drinking. However, I have been fortunate in the fact that they will go on for hours, and then just suddenly stop. For instance, 12 HOURS of contractions every 8 minutes yesterday. They had all the signs of real labor (not going away, getting more consistent, getting stronger and radiating in my back and upper thighs). So, no baby, but my body is definitely getting ready! The bright side with all these Braxton Hicks and false labors is that they are strengthening my body for the real thing. And God is ever in control - He knows Evey's birthday and it will be the perfect time and day. I just want to hold my little girl!

I will post a picture soon. We got to document because you never know when it will happen :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

37 weeks!

OH my gosh, I have been terrible about updating this. So much to do, so little time!

I am 37 weeks this Friday... ??? I cannot believe how fast it has gone. But these last few weeks are such a waiting game that it feels like it's dragging out forever!

So, what has happened since I last posted at 30 weeks....

- I had a baby shower May 14 and God has blessed us so much! There is nothing that we seriously need to buy. We have all the essentials, TONS of clothes (we've had friends give us clothes clear up to 3 year old sizes.... no joke, we won't have to buy clothes for a LONG time), diapers, wipes, everything! We are so blessed. I will have to put up pictures of the baby shower soon.

-We got maternity pictures done around 33 weeks and we will be getting the digital copies soon so I will post those as well!

-I am down to working about 2-3 days a week. It is so nice because I was getting very tired being on my feet all the time. You start noticing how much weight you've gained when your feet takes the brunt of it all day. :)

-I have been having lots of Braxton Hicks contractions (fake ones. I've heard it put this way - "You wouldn't run a marathon without working out your legs. So you won't birth a baby without your uterus working out and practicing." Hm :) as of 2 weeks ago, I am 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. In order to give birth, your cervix has to efface, or thin, 100%. So I'm getting closer! The doc said that the baby is in perfect position and very low.

-Joel has been amazing at keeping me on task. He is very organized and has to-do lists for everything. I don't know what I would do without him. My brain is MIA. We have everything washed, set up and ready that we need to for Evey to come home. Just waiting impatiently...

-Evey is running out of room!! I can feel every movement, stretch and hiccup. Its fun, but kind of tiring at the same time. Our little girl is getting big and ready to meet the world. She is mostly completely developed except now she is just putting on pounds and her lungs are still developing. She is around 5.5-6 lbs now and about 18 inches long. Whew! I feel every inch. AUGH! So excited.

So, it is just a waiting game. 37 weeks is considered "term" so she could come at any time; however, most first time moms either go all the way to their due date or late even. No thanks - on time would be just fine for me :)

We are rapidly approaching moving day also! Luckily for us, the army is moving us (i.e. coming to our house and packing everything for us. Praise God!)

So much to look forward to! I am so excited to see all my family, but all I can think of right now is Evey. I cannot wait to meet her, see what she looks like, what her temperament is like and fall in love with her in person. Will keep updated as best as my pregnant mind will remember :)

37 weeks! Getting closer....

Look at her... she looks like a real baby! :) Come on Evey! We're ready!

Friday, April 22, 2011

30 weeks!

Wow - I cannot even believe it! I should be holding my baby girl in 10 weeks! And technically, Evey is term in 8 weeks. 2 MONTHS! Augh! I am so excited, yet really nervous. I am going to be a mom... what? Am I really able to be responsible for a little human? God will step in and help me because I don't know what the heck I'm doing.

Evey is 3 lbs now and about 16 inches. She's getting so big! She is the size of a squash. One of those really big gourd things. Wow! I am feeling her move all the time and you can watch my stomach and see her movements. It is incredible. A little weird looking sometimes (like an alien Joel says) but so good. My midwife said that a happy baby is one that moves a lot. My guess is that Evey is ECSTATIC. She moves so much! Now I am supposed to count 2 times a day and she should move at least 10 times in an hour. Yah. Evey moves 10 times in about 7 minutes or less! And way more than twice a day. :) I have a very happy baby! :) Her brain is developing really quickly and her tiny body is starting to form some fat to keep her warm!

I am very fortunate as I am still sleeping great. Like a rock actually. It is getting more difficult to get out of bed (literally.... not because I'm tired. I have to literally roll out of bed) and am getting stuck in the couch more often. Joel always giggles, but he is a great husband and gives me a little (BIG) nudge.

I'm blessed! Joel and I are so excited. Lately, Evey has been responding to her daddy's voice. It is really awesome that Joel is so involved and loving. He will talk to her and she will start kicking and moving around. I can already tell she's a daddy's girl :) She seems to love classic rock too! We were listening to Cadence Clearwater Revival and when "Heard it Through the Grapevine" came on she was flipping and moving and didn't stop til the song was over! Then we were listening to KISS and again, she was jumping all over the place. Her dad is proud of her musical taste :)

Hurry up little girl! Grow, grow, grow so that we can meet you! Your mom and dad love you!

I know a little creepy, but this is from a scientific library where they took a picture of a real baby in the womb at 30 weeks! That is how Evey is positioned.... running out of room! Her head is getting bigger to make room for her brain, and she is starting to get some fat on her bones! 

Growing, growing, growing.... 

Friday, April 8, 2011

28 Weeks!

Wow, it has been a while since I updated this...

Everything is great! We were able to get in contact with a new midwife (as mine left her practice) and she is so nice and accommodating. I am now seeing her every 2 weeks because I am in my 3rd trimester! Yes!

Evey is getting so big. She is now 2.5 pounds and about 14 inches long. She is trucking along and growing at great speed! She is the size of a Chinese cabbage. Hehe. She is moving SO much now. I can tell her sleeping times and awake times because she will kick so hard when she is awake. It is getting to the point that it is starting to get uncomfortable every once in a while when she kicks especially hard. And 2 days ago she got the hiccups! It was the first time I have every felt it but there was no denying that's what it was. Hilarious!

I am doing just fine! Getting excited to meet our little girl. It feels so far away, but so close. I can't even believe it. I am a little puffy in the fingers and my feet by the end of the day, but nothing that is too annoying.

We love our little girl! Everytime Joel leans over and talks to my stomach or kisses it and she's awake, she starts flailing all around and kicking. She loves her dad :) We are getting so close and so excited!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

23 Weeks!

So, I'm sorry that it has been so long since writing, especially since we were finding out gender. But...


We have a beautiful little princess. SO excited. :) And, as you can see, we changed the name of the blog. We are naming her Evelyn Ipolani Adams! We will call her Evey for short while she's younger and then she can decide what she would like to go by later. We are so excited for our little girl.

How I am: Gaining weight! My belly is ever growing because my little girl is ever growing! I'm feeling really good. I have been blessed with a really great pregnancy. However, because I am working 12 hour shifts, I have begun wearing compression socks so my feet don't swell because they get really sore. I am just now starting to wear pregnancy clothes! I still fit in some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, but am enjoying the bigger style of the pregnancy ones. :)

How Evey is: she is a pound! And a foot long! And moving like CRAZY. In about the last week I have been able to feel her all the time and Joel has even been able to feel her! Usually, he will kiss my stomach and talk to Evey and she will kick and push back on his face. I am really glad that Joel is able to feel her now. Her ears are almost fully developed so she can hear my voice now!

We love our little girl so much! It makes it so much more real now that we know the gender and have a name picked out. When we were taking the ultrasound, she was sucking her thumb and even yawned! I am so technologically illiterate, so I don't know how to scan some of the pictures of her, but I will be sure to post them when Joel scans them :)

Our princess Evey! 

She's all snuggled in. The 3D images are a little freaky because Evey hasn't developed brown fat yet, so she is all skin and bones, but she is still so pretty! We love our little girl! 

Animation picture of a 23 weeks old baby! Look how developed she is! Pretty incredible, isn't it? 

Growing, growing, growing... 

Friday, February 4, 2011

19 Weeks

Well, I feel like I'm growing by the day! And people are mentioning that to me as well :) Bring on the baby weight! I want a healthy baby.... I just hope I don't go all crazy and gain tons of weight. But whatever our baby needs!

How I am doing: I am great! I am finally looking pregnant. Not just, "Hm, Kanani looks chubby, like she's gained some weight." It is definitely pregnant looking now! Comments I've gotten at work....
"Someone's getting FAT!" :)
"Wow,  you look pregnant! You're waist is getting thicker."
"Now you look pregnant, not just like you have been drinking too much beer."

Leave it to nurses to just say it how it is. :) Now, in any other circumstances, such as me NOT being pregnant and actually just gaining weight, I wouldn't have appreciated these comments. BUT, seeing as I AM pregnant, it is so fun to hear! I enjoy showing.... my baby is growing! AND.... I cannot get enough ice cream. Wow, I LOVE ice cream right now! My husband is just amazing too. He has made a few late night ice cream runs. Which, is sweet, but the fact that it has been hovering around -20 average per week, that is a mighty deed! I love that man.

How Peanut is: Now weighing 8.5 ounces (1/2 a pound! Big baby! :) and about 6 inches long, baby is constantly growing in leaps and bounds. Peanut gained 1.5 ounces this week... that is a big leap for a little baby! This week's development focuses on the 5 senses. Peanut is starting to hear my voice and will begin to recognize it since baby will hear it a lot in the next few months :)

2 weeks and counting til we find out the gender! Can't wait!